Internationally Accredited
Post Traumatic Growth Specialist:
Resilience Practitioner
Strategic Life Coach
Complimentary Therapist
Trauma Debriefing Specialist
Holistic Counsellor
Parenting Coach
Training Provider
I am a Mentor. As an Internationally Accredited Post Traumatic Growth Specialist, my skills include: Mentor, Resilience Practitioner, Strategic Life Coach, Complimentary Therapist, Trauma Debriefing Specialist, Holistic Counsellor, Parenting Coach & Training Provider.
My registrations include: International Association of Therapists (IAOTH), Complimentary Therapists Accredited Association (CTAA), Association for Supportive Counsellors & Holistic Practitioners (ASCHP) and Council for Counsellors in South Africa (CCSA).
As a life-long learner, I currently hold 9 Diplomas and 41 Certifications and a few more are in progress.
To receive my weekly newsletter, please sign up and join my online Get Up and Grow Community.
I am the founder of www.fairdivorce.co.za – twice awarded and still listed as Best Divorce Blog by Expertido and Top 100 Divorce Blog by Feedspot – global educational platform for families going through separation, divorce and blending new families.
I am also the founder of www.getupandgrow.co.za – recipient of an African Excellence Award 2024 – an online community where we consciously cultivate resilient families through any kind of adversity or traumatic experience, in all aspects of life (emotional, environmental, financial, intellectual, occupational, physical, social, spiritual and also family life).
My lived experience includes all of the ten Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE’s) and all of the Seven Biggest Stressors of Life, some of which I lived through more than once. As a result, I believe that my entire life journey so far has prepared me for my ultimate purpose and calling, which is to help others work through their trauma. My passion is deeply rooted in teaching people the ability to identify the valuable life lessons that every adversity or traumatic event offers us and to integrate those lessons into our personal growth so that we can thrive. When we succeed in developing ourselves, everyone else around us can flourish too. It’s hard work and often very painful, but the most gratifying and profound gift you’ll ever give yourself and your loved ones. My motto, “Get Up and Grow” is not an isolated exercise – it’s an awareness, attitude, daily practice, beautiful ritual, consciousness – a lifestyle.
In this video I share painful parts of my life story and how I came to realise what my true calling is during the week of 5 November 2023.
When I heard someone say these words “God doesn’t call the qualified, He qualifies the called” a few days prior, this beautiful process was triggered and I am so grateful for my incredible journey over those few days! Much appreciation for the people who rose to the occasion and played a pivotal role in my growth spurt!
May you find inspiration and hope in my story.
To book an online or in-person session with me, please visit my calendar.